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About Us

It was in December 1949, the first Meeting to Discourse about Virus (predecessor of the Japanese Society for Virology: JSV) was launched. In March 1951, the board members of this meeting published the first issue of the journal “Virus”, and this journal has been continued to date as our official journal. Our first annual meeting of the JSV was held at Osaka University on May 1953, this is the official starting point of our proud history. Ever since, for over 60 years we have organized the JSV annual meetings to promote the advancement of virology in Japan. Also note that, in Japanese, we pronounce virus as we-loo-s,” and this way of pronunciation and notation in Japanese letters (ウイルス) was adopted in 1950’s. Until then, we didn’t have a particular Japanese word to describe virus but call it in German-like or English-like ways.

VIRUS literally means virulence factors, first identified in 1892 as a micro-pathogen in tobacco leaves. This is now known as tobacco mosaic virus. Since then, viruses are found in all living organisms such as bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals. Both bacteria and viruses are called as microbes, however, viruses are smaller than bacteria and even many viruses that can propagate in bacteria have been found.

Viruses only can propagate in living host cells. Therefore, viruses are constantly seeking hosts. Occasionally viruses cause serious diseases in host organisms. Many viruses show asymptomatic infections and may develop symbiotic relationship to persist in the hosts for many years. Even some viruses transmit their own genetic information to the next generations of host organisms. Viruses and living organisms co-evolved on earth for about 4 billion years by sharing their genetic bases (4 letters) and principles to log genetic information. When you understand the manner of their genetic information being manifested in viruses, you will be able to understand the other living organisms’ way of life, too.

Virology is one of the most exciting research fields of life science now. Every year, interesting findings are reported and quite active discussion is developed at the JSV conference. You will feel the active lively atmosphere stimulated especially by young students’ and researchers’ presentations and discussions. You can be a member with only \1,000 enrollment fee and \4,000 for student and \8,000 for regular member’s annual membership fee. Those who are interested in virus, living organisms, life, and diseases are cordially invited to be a member.

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