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Verification of presentations at academic conferences for patent filings.
The Japanese Society for Virology is an academic research society designated to the authority to verify presentations at academic conferences for filing patents. The following summary is the procedure for filing patents. There is no set form for this verification, so please draw up a universal certificate using the format below.
  1. Please print 2 copies of the certificate created (refer to the sample below).
    Create two identical packets in the following manner:
     a: Use the drawn up certificate as the cover.
     b: Subsequent pages should be copies of the cover for the complete collection of abstracts presented at the conference, the relevant part of the conference program, the actual abstract, and the presentation poster

    Compile these required copies binding the left side (Japanese style) and send the packets to the relevant office of the academic conference where the presentation was given after the completion of the conference. These packets will be verified by the Office of the Academic Conference and signed by the Chairman.  Please include a self-addressed envelope with your packets so they can be returned to you after verification.
    Certificate (Example)
    To Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office
    Chairman of the Board, The Japanese Society for Virology
    Chairman, The___th Academic Conference of the JapaneseSociety for Virology
    This is to verify that the attached articles were presented as follows at the _________th Academic Conference of the Japanese Society for Virology.
    Date of presentation:
    Location of the Conference:
    Title number:

     *Paper size is A4 (vertical)
  2. end the returned packets (both sets) to the Office of the Japanese Society for Virology. The Society Office will get the signature of the chairman of the board and return one packet to the applicant and keep the other set for the office copy.
  3. It is the expectation of the applicants draw up and compile all the necessary papers by themselves. Note that the application period is within 6 months from the time the presentation was given. (If you intend to submit the complete collection of abstracts as a part of the application articles, the application period is within 6 months from the date of the publication.)
If you have any further questions about required papers or procedure for the presentation verification for the patent filing, please do not hesitate to contact our office:

The Japanese Society for Virology Head Office
c/o Microbial Science Organization, Inc.
4-13-18 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0002
Fax: 03-6231-4035

[For your reference]
 ・Japan Patent Office home page:
 ・“Exception to the lack of novelty” page in the Ministry of Economy,
   Trade and Industry, Kanto Bureau of Economy home page:

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