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Announcement for the 2010 Sugiura Incentive Award of the Japanese Society for Virology candidate nomination.

Please nominate qualified candidate for the above mentioned award following the guidelines and bylaws stated below.

Deadline for the submission of the nomination form: Must arrive on or before Friday February 26, 2010

Bylaws for the Sugiura Incentive Award of the Japanese Society for Virology.
Guidelines for the nomination (PDF file)
Form for the nomination (PDF file)
Past winners of the Japanese Society for Virology Sugiura Incentive Award (PDF file)
(Note) You need Adobe Reader Japanese Version (free) to print/ browse PDF files.

If you need EXCEL file form for the nomination, please request our office by email.

The Japanese Society for Virology Head Office
c/o Microbial Science Organization, Inc.
4-13-18 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0002
Fax: 03-6231-4035
Please contact us via email or fax.
Copyright(C)2009 The Japanese Society for Virology All Rights Reserved.