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研究者公募情報 > オレゴン健康科学大学、ワクチン・遺伝子治療研究所ポストドクトラルフェロー募集


オレゴン健康科学大学 Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute (ワクチン・遺伝子治療研究所)のLouis Picker研究室, Afam Okoye groupではポスドクを募集しています。
主たる研究テーマはSimian Immunodeficiecy virus (SIV) とアカゲザルの霊長類AIDSモデルを用いてHIV駆逐・治療法の基礎研究及び開発です。新規 Latency reversing agentsやエイズ治療ワクチン等を評価するとともに感染免疫学の基礎研究を行っていただきます。免疫学や感染症学の研究経歴、もしくは霊長類を用いた研究経歴がある方を募集しています。

Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute
当研究所はオレゴン国立霊長類研究センター(Oregon National Primate Research Center)内にあり、 霊長類の生検・解剖サンプルが容易に手に入り免疫・感染症研究には非常に恵まれた環境です。霊長類センター はPortlandから西へ車で20分程度の郊外にあり市内からの車通勤は容易ですし、研究所から 徒歩15分圏内に最寄り駅もありPortland市内からの電車通勤も可能です。
全米の中でもポートランドは安全で綺麗な街ですし、 郊外には日本の本屋が入った大きな日本スーパーもあり、 日本人には非常に住みやすい街だと思います。

Louis Picker研究室, Afam Okoye groupにご興味がある方は、ラボの研究環境やPortlandのこと等、Dr. Okoye (okoyea@ohsu.edu)に直接連絡するか、ラボメンバーの深澤(fukazawa@ohsu.edu)まで日本語で気軽にご相談下さい。また当ラボ留学前に海外学振やフェローシップの応募を考えている方は、研究内容・計画の詳細を話し合えますので是非ご連絡下さい。


Job description:
A postdoctoral research position is available immediately in Dr. Afam Okoye's group for a highly motivated candidate to undertake projects focused on basic and translational HIV cure research. Studies will involve evaluating therapeutic interventions, including latency reversing agents, immunotherapies and therapeutic vaccines, with the goal of targeting residual HIV that persists despite combination antiretroviral therapy. The successful candidate will be responsible for performing experiments, including cytokine flow cytometry, ELISA, cytokine profiling, immunohistochemistry, data analysis, manuscript preparation and data presentation at relevant scientific meetings. Experience with nonhuman primate models preferred but not required.

Job Requirements:

  • M.D., D.V.M, Ph.D. or equivalent experience leading to a Ph.D.
  • Knowledge of the principles and techniques of the subject disciplines
  • Demonstrate a commitment to gaining practical experience working on a research project
  • Ability to work in a team, and relate to staff from a variety of diverse backgrounds and experiences
  • Willingness to work with pathogens potentially dangerous to humans
  • Willingness to work in Biosafety Level 2 and 3 facilities
  • Willingness and ability to work flexible hours


  • Immunology/infectious disease research back ground
  • Experience with pre-clinical nonhuman primate models

Salary Range: 
$48,432+ Commensurate with experience
How to apply: 
Please send a cover letter and C.V. to Afam A. Okoye Ph.D. (okoyea@ohsu.edu) and/or Yoshinori Fukazawa Ph.D. (fukazawa@ohsu.edu)

Oregon Health & Science University values a diverse and culturally competent workforce. We are proud of our commitment to being an equal opportunity, affirmative action organization that does not discriminate against applicants on the basis of any protected class status, including disability status and protected veteran status. Individuals with diverse backgrounds and those who promote diversity and a culture of inclusion are encouraged to apply. To request reasonable accommodation contact the Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Department at 503-494-5148 or aaeo@ohsu.edu.

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